Blog spotlight: Chic With a Side of Champagne

Cleveland fashion blog Chic With A Side of Champagne

Local blogger Brooke Anders began Chic With A Side of Champagne as a way to share fashion advice with family and friends. Now, her website houses a wealth of knowledge about fashion, beauty and lifestyle tips. The busy mother, wife and paralegal was kind enough to answer some questions for us about starting a blog, finding inspiration and style advice. See what she had to say below:

What made you decide to start blogging?

I’ve always had a passion for fashion. My family and friends often ask me for advice with clothing or want to know where I’ve purchase certain outfits. I decided to start a blog to share my love for putting looks together and to help women feel confident!  

What advice would you give to someone just starting a lifestyle or fashion blog?

Be true to yourself, and don’t get caught up in feeling like it’s a competition. We all have our own story and style, so be your biggest fan! 

Where do you find inspiration for your posts?

I follow a lot of other bloggers, and I feel like we all inspire each other to step outside of our comfort zones and be real and raw with posting. My favorite blogger is Emily Gemma from The Sweetest Thing. We have a very similar style, and I definitely get inspiration from her posts!  

How would you describe your personal style?

Chic with a mix of casual. I am always in oversized sweaters, hats and big earrings. 

What is the best piece of style advice you've ever received? 

Don’t dress for anyone else but yourself. Wear what you love and work it!  


Read more from Brooke at

Wednesday, February 7, 2018