Local boutique focuses on unique brands

Fringe Boutique

Dana Demetriou opened Fringe Boutique half a decade ago to give women a new shopping experience in Northeast Ohio and hasn't looked back since. Located in Moreland Hills, Fringe has become a local shopping destination where women can expect to find brands that aren't available anywhere else locally. Demetriou was kind enough to answer some questions about why she opened her boutique, entrepreneurship advice and her favorite style tips - see her answers below:

What made you decide to open your shop?

We opened our doors a little over five years ago in response to a strong need for a unique, warm and inviting place for women to shop in Cleveland.  

How do you choose what to offer in your store?

First and foremost, we get lines that are not offered elsewhere in Cleveland. We also listen to our customers' suggestions. We change up our lines often based on what women want.

What advice would you give to someone starting a fashion-related business in Cleveland?

Research. Shop. Visit as many stores and boutiques as possible all over the world. Ask questions. Determine who has been successful in this business. Why, why not? Buy quality. Listen to potential clients. Do your homework before opening your doors.

What is the best piece of style advice you've ever received?

Always feel confident in what you wear, and you'll look fabulous.

Fringe Boutique is located at Moreland Towne Centre, 34105 Chagrin Boulevard, Ste. J, Moreland Hills, OH 44022. Learn more about the store at www.fringe-boutique.com


Fringe Boutique is a member of The Keep It Local Project. The Keep It Local Project connects local people to local businesses in the Greater Cleveland area that drive our economy. To learn more, visit www.keepitlocalcleveland.com.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018