Caroline Tullis is a fashion merchandising student at Kent State University. Her blog, Sweet Caroline, allows her to combine her love of writing and fashion in one place. We asked Caroline some questions about her blog, style advice and finding inspiration. See what she had to say:
What made you decide to start blogging?
My sister had a blog before I did, which made me want to start one. I’ve always had a strong passion for writing and fashion, so it was a great opportunity to create my own platform where I could use both of those passions.
What advice would you give to someone just starting a lifestyle or fashion blog?
Make sure you keep your content consistent and up to date. You don’t have to post every day, but it would be best to post a few times a week if you want to gain a following. I would suggest getting a agenda just for your blog, so that you can mark down specific dates for when to write a new post. The blogging world has become more competitive over time, but don’t let that hold you back from sharing your story. Don't compare yourself to anyone else’s content, be proud of yours!
Where do you find inspiration for your posts?
I like to look at fashion ideas on Pinterest and see what’s trending, as well as magazines such as Vogue, InStyle and People StyleWatch. I also get inspiration from other bloggers and influencers such as Lauren Conrad, Dani Austin, Julia Engel, Alexys Gabrielle, Zoella and Sadie Robertson. I love their content because not only are they creative and share my taste in style, but they are also unique and authentic!
Do you have a favorite post, or one that holds a special meaning for you?
Back in September, I published a post titled "Finding Confidence in Fashion” in which I wrote about insecurities, body positivity and confidence. It’s really important for me to let my readers/followers know that you don’t have to look a certain way to be considered beautiful. Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. I also had my cousin Karly write a short summary about her story of finding self-confidence, and it was truly impactful. I gained a lot of positive feedback for that post. Writing it was therapeutic for both of us, and I hope it was for my readers as well!
How would you describe your personal style?
My personal style is a combination of classy and spunky. I like to look modest, but I’m not afraid to add one or two bold colors to make the outfit pop!
What is the best piece of style advice you've ever received?
Dress everyday as if you’re going to meet your worst enemy. Wear your confidence and own it!
Follow Caroline at www.carolinetullis.com